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Weird Maths. At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond

Weird Maths. At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond

At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond | Darling, David; Banerjee, Agnijo

2018 Oneworld Publications
214 mm x 136 mm
Sprache: English
ISBN: 978-1-78607-264-1

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€ 16,00

Kurztext GB Weird and wonderful mathematical facts, problems, paradoxes and 'did you knows. Not just for mathematicians: explains in simple terms the maths behind everyday life, transforming numbers on a page into music, chess and art. Packed with puzzles and paradoxes, mind-bending concepts and surprising solutions, this is for anyone who wants lifes questions answered - even those you never knew to ask Autorentext: §07§Weird and wonderful mathematical facts, problems, paradoxes and 'did you knows. Not just for mathematicians: explains in simple terms the maths behind everyday life, transforming numbers on a page into music, chess and art. Packed with puzzles and paradoxes, mind-bending concepts and surprising solutions, this is for anyone who wants lifes questions answered - even those you never knew to ask