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Breakfast with Einstein

Breakfast with Einstein

| Orzel, Chad

2018 Oneworld Publications
216 mm x 135 mm
Sprache: English
ISBN: 978-1-78607-404-1

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Kurztext GB Without quantum physics, your breakfast - and so many other things we take for granted - wouldn' t be possible international bestselling author and physicist Chad Orzel shows us why Klappentext GB Just beneath the surface of our ordinary lives, strange phenomena lurk. Exciting physics doesn' t only show up in the Big Bang, or a black hole, or in the guts of giant particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider - it' s all around us. Beginning at sunrise, Chad Orzel embarks upon a fascinating tour of the exotic science that underlies each moment of our day. Did you know your alarm clock held secrets about quantum mechanics? And that the GPS on your phone has a built-in correction for the effects of relativity? In Breakfast with Einstein, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, everything is possible and the day' s end will find us dazzled. Autorentext: §07§Without quantum physics, your breakfast - and so many other things we take for granted - wouldn' t be possible international bestselling author and physicist Chad Orzel shows us why§16§Just beneath the surface of our ordinary lives, strange phenomena lurk. Exciting physics doesn' t only show up in the Big Bang, or a black hole, or in the guts of giant particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider - it' s all around us. Beginning at sunrise, Chad Orzel embarks upon a fascinating tour of the exotic science that underlies each moment of our day. Did you know your alarm clock held secrets about quantum mechanics? And that the GPS on your phone has a built-in correction for the effects of relativity? In Breakfast with Einstein, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, everything is possible and the day' s end will find us dazzled.