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Turbulence in Magnetohydrodynamics

Turbulence in Magnetohydrodynamics

| Beresnyak, Andrey; Lazarian, Alexander

2019 De Gruyter
Auflage: 1. Auflage
286 Seiten; 9 b/w and 42 col. ill., 12 b/w tbl.; 24 cm x 17 cm
Sprache: English
ISBN: 978-3-11-026290-2

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€ 119,95

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Autorentext: Magnetohydrodynamics describes dynamics in electrically conductive fluids. These occur in our environment as well as in our atmosphere and magnetosphere, and play a role in the sun's interaction with our planet. In most cases these phenomena involve turbulences, and thus are very challenging to understand and calculate. A sound knowledge is needed to tackle these problems. This work gives the basic information on turbulence in nature, comtaining the needed equations, notions and numerical simulations. The current state of our knowledge and future implications of MHD turbulence are outlined systematically. It is indispensable for all scientists engaged in research of our atmosphere and in space science.