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Die Deutschlehrerin

Die Deutschlehrerin

Roman | Judith W. Taschler

2013 Picus Verlag
Auflage: 4. Auflage
224 Seiten; 21 cm x 13.5 cm
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN: 978-3-85452-692-6

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€ 24,00

in den Warenkorb
Judith W. Taschler, 1970 in Linz geboren, im Mühlviertel aufgewachsen. Nach einem Auslandsaufenthalt und verschiedenen Jobs Studium der Germanistik und Geschichte. Sie lebt mit ihrer Familie in Innsbruck, arbeitete als Lehrerin und ist freie Schriftstellerin. Sie verfasste Drehbücher, 2011 erschien ihr erster Roman 'Sommer wie Winter' im Picus Verlag.

Kurztext / Annotation
Ein Roman wie ein Kriminalfilm: Ein fesselndes Spiel um Liebe, Rache und Schuld

»The German Teacher«A multi-layered bestselling psycho-thriller, sophisticated, irritating and captivating until the very last moment.Out of the blue Mathilda's great love Xaver packed all of his belongings and disappeared without a word. Mathilda suffers a nervous breakdown, the mystery of his abandonement tormenting her. Sixteen years later Mathilda seems to slowly have found her peace again: She works as a German teacher in another city, is popular with her students, has friends and a fulfilled life. Suddenly Xaver, now a celebrated author, reappears. Togehter they reflect on both their relationship and its end. The birth of Xaver's son just a few months after their separation, the boy’s kidnapping and his unknown whereabouts become the pivotal element of the former lovers' encounter. They share their ideas, fears and fantasies until in the end no one knows whether the other is telling the truth: Did Mathilda kidnap Xaver's son? Does Xaver himself have anything to do with his disappearance?